I’ve always believed that the best way to get to know a city is through its local brews. And when it comes to Jerusalem, there’s no shortage of craft beer bars that serve up a taste of the city’s vibrant culture.

In this guide, I’ll take you on a tour of Jerusalem’s best craft beer bars, where you’ll discover a world of unique flavors and local charm. Whether you’re a beer enthusiast or a casual sipper, you’re in for a treat.

Exploring the Craft Beer Scene in Jerusalem

Jerusalem’s local brew scene stands as a testament to the city’s passion for craft beer. Bars aplenty beckon with a miscellany of cerebral delights, each marking its own unique spot on Jerusalem’s cultural map.

The Rise of Craft Beer Culture in the City

Craft beer culture in Jerusalem has experienced an unprecedented rise in recent years. It’s no longer an “underground” movement. Now, it’s fully mainstream, with brewers pushing boundaries and enthusiasts savoring every drop. Take the Dancing Camel Brewery, for example. Opened in 2006, it pioneered the craft beer wave in Israel, providing drinkers with an unparalleled assortment of distinct beers.

There’s more accessibility to these unique brews than ever before. Bars such as the Beer Bazaar and the cozy Biratenu are just two of the excellent locales included in Jerusalem’s ever-expanding roster of craft beer havens. Each microbrewery and bar tells a story, reflecting the city’s evolving tastes, fostering community, and bringing craft beer into everyday vernacular.

Factors Driving Popularity

Craft beer’s popularity in Jerusalem comes from a “perfect storm” of factors. The first factor: Jerusalemites’ affinity for authenticity. Case in point, Herzl Beers from the Herzl Brewery, which capture a Jerusalemite’s palate with their unique array of flavors – a far cry from the run-of-the-mill lagers.

Adding to this, craft beer reflects a larger gastronomical shift within the city. More and more, Jerusalem’s denizens are prioritizing quality over quantity, preferring locally brewed concoctions brimming with flavor over factory-produced ales.

In the pursuit of this authenticity, there’s been an increased willingness to experiment. Many brewers are utilizing indigenous ingredients such as ‘bustanai’ grapes, etrog, and local spices. The beer menus at Hamisameach and Beerateinu brilliantly exhibit this trend.

Lastly, but certainly not least, is the catalyst of social interaction. Bars like Gatsby Cocktail Room and Mike’s Place offer a convivial atmosphere, where the craft beer serves not just as a beverage, but a conversation starter. And in Jerusalem, there’s no shortage of conversations worth having.

Top Craft Beer Bars in Jerusalem

As we continue our journey through the vibrant lanes of Jerusalem’s beer scene, let’s look specifically at the top craft beer bars in this city. It’s important to remember that each of these places has been creating a buzz in the local scene owing to distinct reasons.

Bars Known for Local Brews

Jerusalem’s love for local brews is showcased in a number of establishments, each distinct, committed to quality, and brewing with a passion that’s hard to miss. Here’s my pick of the bars where you can sample the city’s finest homegrown brews:

  1. Dancing Camel Brewery: Their craft beer come from Tel Aviv, but they’ve made quite a mark in Jerusalem. The variety here is commendable, with my personal favorites being the India Pale Ale (IPA) and the Midnight Stout.
  2. Beer Bazaar: Homing in on local flavor, Beer Bazaar is known for their artistic beer making abilities and their unique brews certainly have a kick. They have a wide selection, but be sure to try their IPA – it’s a crowd pleaser!
  3. Biratenu: Described as Jerusalem’s smallest brewery, it’s like walking into a dream for beer lovers, with each drink handcrafted to perfection. Their Pomegranate Ale, made from locally sourced fruit, is an adventurous and worthwhile pick.

Bars with International Beer Selections

A nod to the world of craft beer wouldn’t be complete without recognizing the places that bring a piece of the international brewing scene to Jerusalem:

  1. Gatsby Cocktail Room: While it’s not strictly a craft beer bar, Gatsby knows how to appreciate a good brew. Their curated selection of international beers stands out in the city’s cocktail scene.
  2. Mike’s Place: It’s a haven for all things music, food, and beer. Mike’s Place serves up a mix of local and international beers, all in a warm and lively atmosphere punctuated by live music events.

It’s easy to get lost in Jerusalem’s dynamic craft beer ecosystem. With a distinct character and offering, each spot brings something unique to the proverbial table but remember, the real gem in the whole experience is to savor every sip, take in the locals’ stories, and immerse oneself in the shared love for craft beers.

Features of a Great Craft Beer Bar

Craft beer bars in Jerusalem showcase unique characteristics that elevate them from standard watering holes. Let’s delve deeper into some of these interesting features.

Ambiance and Location

In a craft beer bar, ambiance takes center stage. You’ll find, in Jerusalem, craft beer bars often echo a harmonious blend of the city’s rich history and trendy vibes, providing visitors with an unforgettable sensory experience. The locations are consistently strategic, often tucked into the vibrant neighborhoods of the city, close to local attractions. For instance, Biratenu, situated in the bustling Mahane Yehuda Market, offers patrons an authentic Jerusalemite experience. Gatsby Cocktail Room, on the other hand, radiates a classy 1920s atmosphere right in the heart of Jerusalem.

Variety and Quality of Beers

The soul of a craft beer bar lies in its beer offerings. The bars in Jerusalem, the likes of Beer Bazaar and Dancing Camel Brewery, overflow with a wealth of craft beers, boasting an array of local brews that are testament to the city’s brewing prowess. These joints place great emphasis on quality, serving beers that showcase the skill and passion of the local brewers, made meticulously from quality ingredients. A craft beer bar in Jerusalem ensures that whether your palate craves a light, refreshing Pilsner or a robust, dark Stout, your taste buds won’t leave disappointed. They’re a paradise of beer varieties, each pour a journey into the unexplored territories of flavors.

Recommendations and Tips

Jerusalem’s craft beer scene is a treasure trove waiting for enthusiasts eager to sample unique flavors amidst a historical backdrop. I’ve some recommendations and tips to get the most out of this journey.

Best Times to Visit

The longevity of your impression depends greatly on when you decide to visit these unique craft beer establishments. While they are welcoming every day of the year, there are certain times that promise an enhanced experience.

For instance, weekdays, especially from late afternoon and onwards, see a lively crowd at bars like Biratenu and Beer Bazaar. You’ll find locals unwinding after a day’s work, adding a warm, authentic vibe to the locale, making it an excellent time to immerse yourself in Jerusalem’s unique culture.

On the other hand, weekends often host special events, band performances, or new beer launches at some venues, making them equally enticing. Dancing Camel Brewery, for example, is known for its festive atmosphere on these days.

Ensuring a Full Experience

To fully appreciate Jerusalem’s craft beer landscape, a couple of tips are beneficial. First, never rush. Taking ample time while hopping from one bar to another aids in absorbing the essence of each establishment. Enjoying the ambiance, interacting with the locals, and savoring every sip of your chosen brew heighten the experience.

Second, vary the venues. From trendy establishments nestled amidst bustling markets like Beer Bazaar, to peaceful retreats like Dancing Camel Brewery known for their intimate settings, each bar offers a unique charm. Exploring these nuances adds depth to your craft beer journey.

Lastly, don’t shy away from requesting beer samples. Beer connoisseurs at these establishments are always enthusiastic to share the story behind their brews and guide you in your tasting adventure. Whether you favor a gentle Pale Ale or a flavorful Stout, they’ll help find the perfect brew that matches your palate.


So, there you have it, folks. Jerusalem’s craft beer scene is nothing short of a hoppy haven. From the Dancing Camel Brewery to the Beer Bazaar, each place is brewing up something special. It’s not just about the beer though. The ambiance, location, and the sense of community these bars offer are what truly make them stand out.

Remember, it’s all about exploration. Don’t be afraid to ask for samples or visit at different times of the day. Each experience will be unique, and that’s the beauty of it. So, next time you’re in Jerusalem, make sure to check out these craft beer bars. You’re in for a treat. Cheers to good times, great beers, and unforgettable experiences!