Imagine walking into a bar, ordering your favorite drink, and finding yourself in the middle of a history lesson. No, I’m not talking about a trivia night. I’m talking about Jerusalem’s historic bars, where every sip comes with a side of history.

These bars aren’t just places to grab a drink. They’re windows into the past, each with its own unique story to tell. From ancient stone walls to hundred-year-old recipes, they’re a testament to Jerusalem’s rich history.

So, let’s embark on a journey together. A journey where we’ll explore these historic bars, learn about their past, and of course, enjoy some fantastic drinks. It’s time to experience history, one sip at a time.

Exploring the Charm of Historic Bars in Jerusalem

Jerusalem’s historic bars offer intriguing glimpses into a past filled with compelling stories and captivating characters. These establishments thrive amidst the echoes of history, inviting patrons to soak up the atmosphere while relishing a delicious beverage.

The Significance of Historical Settings

Stepping into a historic bar feels like a journey through time. Ancient stone walls whisper tales of Jerusalem’s kaleidoscopic history, and artifacts adorning the interiors hint at the city’s rich heritage. There’s a certain magic that pervades such historical settings, enhancing the overall experience. Venturing into such bars isn’t just about having a drink, it’s about immersing oneself in an era gone by, and living a fragment of history never fails to captivate.

Jerusalem’s Historic Bars




The Winemaker


Housed in an 180-year-old building, serving a variety of wines, offering insights into Jerusalem’s winemaking legacy.
The Barrel


Built over an ancient tunnel, this bar offers a unique drinking experience steeped in history.
American Colony Bar


Set in a century-old hotel, it’s famed for its literary past and vintage aesthetics.

A Taste of Local Culture and Traditions

Historic bars in Jerusalem do more than serve drinks; they essentially serve culture in a glass. Delving into the local liquors is a reminder of the city’s diverse traditions and age-old recipes that have been passed down through generations. These beverages are a reflection of Jerusalem’s historical influences, offering a potent taste of local culture.

Jerusalem’s Historic Bars


Cultural Offerings




Known for its Arak, a traditional anise-flavored spirit, reflecting the widespread cultural influence of this Middle Eastern liquor.
The Shuk Bar


This spot serves a selection of local brews, showcasing the art of Israeli craft beer brewing.
Mike’s Place


Famous for its whiskey, this bar mirrors the Western influence on Jerusalem’s drinks scene.

Remember, exploring these historic bars is a quest for culture, not just a tipple. Here, each snifter provides insights into Jerusalem’s history, every pint echoes the essence of tradition, and each sip leads one down a richly flavored path into the city’s vibrant tapestry of past and present.

Notable Historic Bars in Jerusalem

Moving further into our journey, let’s delve into three specific bars within Jerusalem that boast historic prominence.

The American Colony Hotel Bar

Residing within the walls of the iconic American Colony Hotel, the bar carries an air of rich history. Established in the late 19th century, it narrates a compelling tale of cohabitation between different religious groups that started the hotel. Famed for its literary clientele, the bar welcomed esteemed writers like Graham Greene and even former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair. You’ll find a treasure trove of international spirits, but it’s their cocktails – especially the ‘Torn Pages’ – often gaining high praise. It’s not just a drink, it’s a nod to the bar’s literary heritage.

The Austrian Hospice

Next, the Austrian Hospice, nestled within the walls of the Old City, offers an exceptional blend of history and Austrian tradition. Its origins date back to 1853 when it served as a hospital for Austrian pilgrims. Today, the Hospice boasts a quaint bar overshadowed by Jerusalem’s ancient skyline. Enjoying a Viennese coffee here, in the bar, as the sun sets over the city rooftops is a truly sublime experience good enough to etch everlasting memories.

The Gatsby Cocktail Room

Despite being a relatively new establishment, The Gatsby Cocktail Room staunchly upholds its historical charm by transporting patrons back to the glamor of the 1920’s Prohibition era. It’s located in the historic Feingold Courtyard, a preserved 19th-century enclave. The bartenders here master the art of cocktail-making, bringing both classics and unique creations to the table. The ‘Phantom’ cocktail, made with gin, homemade Earl Gray syrup, fresh lemon, and egg white offers a refreshing sip in an atmosphere reminiscent of a past era.

The Experience of Sipping with a Side of History

Immersive Historical Atmosphere

Paying a visit to these unique bars, it’s like stepping into a time machine. Antiquated architecture, old-world charm, and remarkable relics create a rich, immersive experience. It’s as if the bars themselves are storytellers, each having their own historic narratives to unfurl. At the Austrian Hospice, for instance, you find yourself encased within the heart of Jerusalem’s Old City, savoring your drink in a building that dates back to 1853. Similarly, at The American Colony Hotel Bar, you can sit where famous authors once did, letting the literary ambiance fuel your evening conversations.

Unique Drink Offerings and Local Specialties

However, it’s not just the history that draws patrons to these establishments. These bars take their drink offerings seriously, too. Exclusive cocktails and local specialties are signature elements of these establishments. Need an example? Consider ‘Torn Pages,’ the signature drink of The American Colony Hotel Bar. This cocktail, inspired by the establishment’s literary heritage, is an all-time favorite of patrons. Elsewhere, at The Gatsby Cocktail Room, brace yourself for an authentic Prohibition experience, complete with classic cocktails from the roaring ’20s. Thus, these establishments serve as a bridge between Jerusalem’s historic fabric and extraordinary beverage experiences.

Impact on Tourism

Tourism embodies a significant part of Jerusalem’s economy, and the city’s historic bars play a crucial role in fueling this sector. Based on their unique value proposition blending cultural exchanges and historic narratives with beverage indulgence, these bars impart a profound influence on the city’s tourism.

Attracting History and Culture Enthusiasts

Restaurants and bars often serve as more than merely establishments to dine or grab a drink. They become a reflection of the culture, history, and soul of the city. This unique aspect holds particularly true for Jerusalem’s historic bars such as The American Colony Hotel Bar, the Austrian Hospice, and The Gatsby Cocktail Room. These establishments brim with riveting charm, attracting a throng of history and culture enthusiasts. For instance, tourists find themselves lured by the ‘Torn Pages’ at The American Colony Hotel Bar, a cocktail that pays homage to its literary heritage. Conversely, those yearning for bygone eras find solace in The Gatsby Cocktail Room, thanks to its Prohibition era-inspired drinks.

Boosting Local Economy

An influx of tourists inevitably yields economic benefits, and Jerusalem’s historic bars contribute immensely to this scenario. As these bars lure tourists, they indirectly stimulate other sectors such as local transport, hospitality, and retail. For instance, tourists visiting The American Colony Hotel Bar might book a stay at the hotel or purchase souvenirs from the adjacent gift shops, augmenting the local economy in the process. These bars not only highlight Jerusalem’s rich history but also play an instrumental role in promoting and perpetuating local businesses and services. As such, they contribute to the economic sustainability of the city by fueling the local economy and fostering tourism.


So there you have it! The historic bars in Jerusalem aren’t just places to grab a drink, they’re gateways to the city’s rich past. Each one, from The American Colony Hotel Bar to The Austrian Hospice and The Gatsby Cocktail Room, offers a unique blend of history, culture, and of course, fantastic drinks. And it’s not just about sipping cocktails, it’s about how these establishments help shape Jerusalem’s tourism scene and boost its economy. They’re more than just bars – they’re cultural hubs, economic drivers, and a testament to Jerusalem’s resilience and charm. So next time you’re in Jerusalem, don’t just walk past these historic bars. Step in, order a drink, and let history unfold right before your eyes. You’ll not only be sipping a delicious cocktail but also contributing to the city’s economic sustainability. After all, history is best experienced, not just read about.